

Your rehabilitation specialists

 Here at Core Movement NQ, our Physiotherapists assess and individualise your treatment to assist you in your rehabilitation journey. Our physiotherapists use a range of treatment techniques, which may include;

Manual Therapy

Our Physiotherapists offer evidence-based manual treatment. Hands on treatment methods include joint mobilisations which are designed to improve joint mobility and reduce pain. Soft tissue release is another technique used to reduce muscle tightness and therefore increase flexibility.


Following assessment and diagnosis, an individualised exercise program will be designed by the our physiotherapists. This will include establishment of correct technique and appropriate regressions and progressions. Exercise can be used to increase muscle strength and length, improve range of motion, decrease pain and improve stability. Exercise can also be tailored to your specific needs, hobbies and sports.

Dry Needling

Dry needling involves the use of fine needling into tight muscles or trigger points. This is performed to increase circulation, increase histamine production and reduce muscle tightness.


Education forms a huge part of our services at Core Movement NQ. We believe education is the key to enhancing positive outcomes and long term management.

Real Time Ultrasound

Real Time Ultrasound (RTUS) is an effective way to assess and visualise core activation and to determine readiness for group Physio classes. RTUS can be beneficial in retraining the deep core muscles that provide stability for the spine.

Strapping and Brace Fitting

Our physiotherapists may be able to apply strapping tape over the joint or muscle to facilitate recovery and reduce pain. Brace alternatives may also be an option to support the body during your rehabilitation.


Consult times

45 minute standard 1 on 1 initial consult

30 minute standard 1 on 1 review consult

Option for extended 45 minute or 60 minute review consult


Work Cover, NDIS, DVA, third party insurance and Medicare bulk billing referrals accepted.

No referral required for private paying clients. Private health rebates may apply.